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Tips on How To Fall Asleep Faster

Fun fact: The term “counting sheep” is said to have originated from the belief that shepherds would have a hard time falling asleep because they were so concerned about their sheep in the fields at night.

To comfort their minds, they would go out to count their sheep to make sure that they were all accounted for. Chances are you are not a shepherd, and your problem of falling asleep does not stem from the concern of your sheep.

Tips on How To Fall Asleep Faster

This post includes tips on falling asleep faster – having an evening and morning routine is key to balance.

Create A Sleep Schedule

By far, the most suggested tip for falling asleep faster is getting in the habit of waking up at the same time every morning and going to bed at the same time every night. Our bodies will become accustomed to this schedule and start feeling tired at our scheduled bedtime. This tip has two benefits.

Not only will you be able to fall asleep faster, but you will also awaken with more energy in the morning. It is important to note that most adults need at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night, so make sure that your sleep schedule allows that. Additionally, cutting out midday naps will ensure that your mind and body are nice and tired when you’re ready to fall asleep at night.

Create The Perfect Sleeping Environment

Our body temperature increases as we sleep, so ensuring that your bedroom’s temperature is a little cooler, around 70 degrees, can drastically improve your sleep quality. Also, ensuring that your bedroom is dark and quiet is another way to make your bedroom the perfect sleeping environment.

Studies have shown that our brain produces more melatonin in the dark and that sleep quality improves when there is less noise, such as traffic on the streets outside.

Another way to improve your sleeping environment is to keep your bedroom nice and tidy and only use it for sleeping. Laying the bed while you are working on your computer or watching television only tricks your mind into thinking that being in bed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to fall asleep.

Try using your bed only for sleeping so that when you go to bed at night, your brain and body understand that it is time to sleep. 

Take A Warm Bath or Shower Before Bed

Studies have shown that taking a warm, relaxing shower or bath about 90 minutes before bed can help your body relax and prepare for bed. Our bodies become more tired as they cool down after the bath. Equally beneficial is soaking your feet in warm water for about 30 minutes before lying down to sleep. 

Reduce Your Exposure to Electronic Devices in the Evenings

Gadgets such as your smartphone and computer screens emit blue light, reducing your brain’s natural ability to make melatonin in the evenings. Turning off your television about two hours before bed, wearing glasses that block blue light, or downloading apps on your phone and computer to reduce the blue light exposure could all be helpful tips for falling asleep faster. 

Get Plenty of Sunshine and Exercise During the Day

Using our energy and exerting our bodies during the daytime will eliminate our excess energy when it is time to go to bed. Additionally, getting plenty of exposure to the sun during the daytime trains our brain to understand that during the light of the day, we should be up and moving, but when it gets dark in the evenings, it is time to fall asleep. 

Be Conscious of the Foods You Are Eating in the Evenings and Try Not to Eat too Late.

Studies have shown that eating foods with heavy carbs can keep our bodies awake at night while we are trying to sleep. The same is true for things like chocolate, soda, and caffeinated beverages, so steer clear of those in the evening.

On the other hand, foods like turkey, tart cherry juice, chamomile and passionflower tea, almonds, and walnuts can help produce certain hormones and brain chemicals that will help you to feel more tired and ready for sleep.

Make a Habit of Doing Something Relaxing Before Bed

Doing leisurely activities such as reading, journaling, yoga, or meditating can help your body to unwind, and your mind relax. Journaling and meditation can be highly beneficial for people worrying or overthinking while trying to fall asleep.

Making a habit of sitting somewhere quiet and writing down all of the things that are on your mind can help you to clear your mind for the evening. 

Try Supplements

A long list of natural remedies and supplements has been proven and used to help people fall asleep faster. Next time you are at the store, look for some sleep aid supplements such as melatonin, lavender, passionflower, chamomile, valerian root, and glycine to help you fall asleep faster. All these supplements are all-natural and can be purchased from your grocery store’s vitamin aisle.

The number of studies that have been done on sleep and sleep quality is truly astronomical. These tips for falling asleep faster are just the beginning of the numerous methods people have begun to put into place to get a better and more relaxed night’s sleep.

The bottom line is there’s no reason you should be tossing and turning at night when trying to fall asleep. Give some tips and create a system that works best for you.

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